Seek Friends Who…

Show me your friends and I will show you your future.

Seek friends who live the Word, not simply quote it. This isn’t about perfection, it is about passionate pursuit.

Seek friends who inspire you to do better and be better. They shine a light on, and encourage, the gifts God has placed in you.

Seek friends who forgive. We all mess up and need forgiveness. How they handle tough times reveals their true friendship.

Seek friends who celebrate your milestones and victories. They are not jealous or competitive.

Seek friends who listen – not just with their ears, but with their heart.

Seek friends who are true to their word. What they say – they do. Their public ‘face’ is the same as their ‘private’ face.

Seek friends who pray for you. Prayer binds hearts and lives together.

Yes, seek these things in others, but don’t forget to BE these things FOR others.

Friends are priceless treasures. Treat them as such.

Thank you for your friendship.

~ Deborah King